Pixelitor release notes
4.3.1 - released on 2023-09-06
- New themes: flat dark, flat light, system
- UI font type and size in Preferences
- Support reading WebP files (without ImageMagick)
- New filters: Abstract Lights, Tile Seamless, Rose, Concentric Shapes, Border Mask
- Blinds, Checkerboard, Goo and Shapes Grid as separate transition filters
- Improved filters: Photo Collage, Spheres
- Snapping to pixel boundaries
- Layer isolation
- Crop to content
- Adjustment layers, layer groups (experimental)
- Color fill and gradient fill layers are no longer experimental
- Many smart object improvements (still experimental)
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
4.3.0 - released on 2022-04-14
- Contributions by Anirudh Sharma:
- New filters: Flow Field, Comic Book
- Improved filters: Grid, Spiral, Color Wheel, Mirror
- Area zooming in the Zoom Tool and in the Navigator
- New UI for "Enlarge Canvas"
- Tapering and Reverse Tapering strokes
- Higher undo limit for lightweight changes
- The beginnings of Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish translations (with contributions by Albano Battistella, Jonas Mohr, Heimen Stoffels)
- Pixelitor 4.3.0 requires Java 17 or higher
- The Windows installer includes the required Java, on Windows there's no need anymore to install Java first
- Support for the TGA and NetPBM file formats
- ImageMagick-based export/import for all the formats supported by ImageMagick 7
- SVG export in the Pen Tool and the Render/Shapes filters
- Erase blending mode
- Presets for filters, tools, and in other places
- Curved strokes and angle setting in Auto Paint
- New filters: Spider Web, Spiral, Grid, Truchet Tiles, Bump Map, Displacement Map
- Improved filters: Circle to Square, Checker Pattern, Four Color Gradient, Value Noise, Channel Mixer, Threshold, Waves, Marble, Polar Glass Tiles, Starburst, Spiral, Flashlight, Magnify
- Filter Search
- Show Last Filter
- Shape settings in the Shapes Tool
- Shift-drag creates equally sized shapes in Shapes Tool
- New options for zooming and panning (in Preferences)
- Printing
- Better tool icons on HiDPI screens
- Optional Operating System file choosers
- Experimental features:
- Smart objects, smart filters
- Color fill layers
- Gradient fill layers
- Shape layers
- Operating System theme
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
4.2.3 - released on 2019-12-11
- Brush outline in the Brush, Eraser, Smudge and Clone Tools
- Create selection from the text of a text layer
- Move selection in the Move Tool
- Copy/paste for selections
- Selection crop can be nonrectangular (with generated layer masks)
- "Color randomness" option in the "Spray Shapes Brush"
- "Image Source" option and Hue/Saturation distances in the "Mask from Color Range"
- Add layer mask from transparency and from layer contents
- Chaos Game, Mandelbrot and Julia fractal renderers
- "Watermarking" option for the Render/Shapes filters
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
4.2.2 - released on 2019-10-11
- Keyboard nudging for the Gradient, Pen, Shapes tools
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
4.2.1 - released on 2019-09-26
- Contributions by Łukasz Kurzaj:
- "Layer Auto Selection" checkbox in the Move Tool
- Styles and colors for the guides (in the Preferences)
- Transform mode in the Pen Tool
- Rotating and resizing shapes in the Shapes Tool
- "Delete Cropped Pixels" checkbox in the Crop Tool
- In the Crop Tool, the initial Alt-dragging creates the rectangle from the center
- File/View Metadata (using the metadata-extractor library)
- Right-click popup menus on tabs
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
4.2.0 - released on 2018-10-03
- Contributions by Łukasz Kurzaj:
- New "Curves" filter
- New composition guides in the Crop Tool: golden spiral, triangles, grid
- Tabbed user interface (it's optional, the old internal windows are still available in the Preferences)
- New Pen Tool
- Handles in the Gradient Tool
- Image files can be drag-and-dropped on the layers area to be added as image layers
- New "Lazy Mouse" smoothing option in the Brush, Eraser, Smudge and Clone tools
- New "Spray" and "Connect" brushes in the Brush and Eraser tools. "Connect" is based on ideas from the harmony project
- Guides (in the View menu)
- More brushes have settings
- New filters: "Striped Halftone", "Concentric Halftone", "Render Grid", "Checker Pattern"
- New options for the "Channel Mixer", "Slice" filters
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
4.1.0 - released on 2018-06-16
- Improvements to the Crop Tool contributed by Łukasz Kurzaj:
- Precise width and height controls for cropping
- The crop area can be dragged as a whole with the mouse after the handles appear
- Holding down the Shift key keeps the aspect ratio while dragging
- Composition guides in the crop rectangle (rule of thirds, golden sections, diagonal lines)
- The crop selection can be accepted by double-clicking inside it
- Rotation in text layers
- Opening and saving TIFF files when running on Java 9+
- Progressive JPEG export option
- Progress bar in the status bar while opening and saving large files
- Faster previews and progress bar in the open dialog
- Stroke length variability and mixed colors in Auto Paint
- Zoom improvements: fit width/height, and exact Navigator zooming with right-click
- New settings for the "Focus", "Magnify", "Flashlight", "Turbulent Distortion", "Glass Tiles", "Marble", "Smear", "Posterize", "Starburst" filters, new "Color Threshold" filter
- "Clicked Pixel" fill and "Action" setting in the Paint Bucket Tool
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
4.0.2 - released on 2016-05-03
- Polygonal selection
- Duplicate image
- Rubylith mask view mode
- Color palette, color variations
- Color history
- Copy/paste colors
- Shapes Tool: more gradient fill types
- Minor bugfixes
4.0.1 - released on 2016-03-13
- Navigator window
- Mask from Color Range
- Thumbnail image size in Settings
- Selection edges can be hidden
- New Filters "Marble" and "Morphology"
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
4.0.0 - released on 2016-02-18
- Layer masks
- Text layers
- Most filters show a progress bar in the status bar if they need more than 0.2 seconds
- Zoom control in the status bar
- File reload
- History dialog
- Transform settings for all Render/Shapes filters
- A few filters became faster. "Box Blur" became just as fast as "Fast Blur", so "Fast Blur" was removed
- On Mac the Command key is used in the menu keyboard shortcuts (instead of Control)
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
3.1.4 - released on 2016-01-19
- Auto Paint
- New filters: "Flashlight", "Focus", "Invert Transparency", "Fractal Tree", "Mystic Rose", "Lissajous Curve", "Spirograph", "Flower of Life"
- After resize, flip, rotate, crop, the selection is also resized, flipped, rotated, cropped (instead of deselecting)
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
3.1.3 - released on 2015-07-11
- Layers have thumbnail images
- Shapes Tool: transparent fill option
- "Enlarge canvas" menu
- Kerning, tracking and ligatures support for text
- Improved performance for the "Rays", "Oil Painting", "Drop Shadow" filters
- The Move, Clone Stamp and Color Picker tools can use the right-mouse as an alternative to Alt-mouse (so that Linux users don't have to reconfigure their window managers).
- Minor bugfixes
3.1.2 - released on 2015-06-24
- "Keyboard nudging": in the move, crop and selection tools the arrow keys move things one pixel, and shift-arrow keys move things ten pixels.
- New "Modify" menu under Selection that can expand/contract a selection or create a new selection around the selection border
- New "Voronoi Diagram", "Drunk Vision" and "Weave" filters
- The angle, spiral and diamond gradients are anti-aliased
- The anti-aliasing of the one-pixel brush can be configured in the brush settings
- The Windows installer and the jar file are digitally signed (Thanks to Certum for the free open source code signing certificate).
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
3.1.1 - released on 2015-05-30
- Clone Tool: new scale, rotate and mirror options
- Smudge Tool: soft brush option
- Pixel grid is disabled by default (see View/Show Pixel Grid)
- More angle settings for shape brushes
- Minor bugfixes and UI improvements
3.1.0 - released on 2015-05-18
- New tool: Smudge
- Clone Tool: soft brush option
- "Random Filter" maintains history, and has "Back" and "Forward" buttons to navigate it
- A generic "Shape" brush type (instead of the "Heart" brush), with settings
- New filter: "Channel to Transparency"
- Minor bugfixes
3.0.1 - released on 2015-04-05
- Clone Tool: "Aligned" and "Sample All Layers" options
- Pixel grid is shown if the zooming is 1600% or higher
- Button for duplicating layers
- Minor bugfixes
3.0.0 - released on 2015-03-27
- Starting with this version, Pixelitor requires Java 8 or newer
- New tool: Clone
- "Ping pong" option for both the layer-based and tweening animations
- Batch processing: apply a filter to all images in a folder
- Reseed setting for the "Add Noise", "Brushed Metal", "Smear" filters
- "Show Original" option for "Levels"
- "Randomize and Normalize" button for "Channel Mixer"
- "One Pixel" Brush (like the pencil tool in other programs, but also available for Eraser Tool)
- "Central 3" mirror option for Brush Tool and Erase Tool
- "Stroke with Current Brush/Eraser" in Selection Tool considers the mirror setting of brush/erase
- Minor bugfixes
2.3.0 - released on 2014-12-28
- Tweening animation export
- New "2D Transitions" filter with more than 30 transitions
- Layers can be reordered by dragging
- New meta-filter "Random Filter"
- "Rotate" and "Reseed" parameters for "Starburst"
- Minor bugfixes
2.2.1 - released on 2014-12-05
- Image centered in the internal window
- "Allow Growing" option for the Crop Tool
- More zoom levels and "Ctrl + mouse wheel" zooming
- New "Underwater" filter
- The "Pinch, Bulge, Twirl" and "Swirl" filters were unified into one filter
- Minor bugfixes
2.2.0 - released on 2014-11-23
- Pixelitor can now open and save files in the OpenRaster
format - layered images can be transferred to/from other editors such as Gimp, Krita, Paint.net, etc.
- Animated GIF export (the frames of the animation are based on the layers)
- Performance improvements and new "Reseed" button for the "Crystallize", "Pointillize", "Cells" filters
- New "Sepia" filter (contributed by Daniel Wreczycki)
- Performance improvements for the "Color Wheel" filter
- A new "Random Star" shape in the Shapes Tool
2.1.4 - released on 2014-10-25
- Performance improvements for the "Clouds", "Value Noise", "Caustics", "Wood" filters
- New parameter for the "Threshold" filter
- Fixed a bug that led to "out of memory" errors under certain conditions, so you should upgrade
2.1.3 - released on 2014-10-22
- New filters: "Angular Waves", "Radial Waves", "Polar Glass Tiles", "Slice"
- New or improved parameters for the "Pinch, Bulge, Twirl", "Swirl", "Kaleidoscope", "Polar Coordinates", "Glass
Tiles", "Waves" filters
- All filters with an "Edge Action" parameter now also have the "Mirror" option for it
- Performance improvements for the "Crystallize", "Pointillize", "Cells", "Glint", "Glow", "Sparkle", "Brushed
Metal", "Frosted Glass", "Canny Edge Detector" filters
- Minor bugfixes
2.1.2 - released on 2014-10-07
- Many filters became faster due to the usage of the Jafama
- Some other filters are faster because they can use multiple processor cores
- The "Add Noise" filter has a "Saturation" parameter
- The "Stamp" filter has a "Blur Method" parameter
- Menus and keyboard shortcuts for "Fit on Screen" and "Actual Pixels"
- Minor bugfixes
2.1.1 - released on 2014-10-01
- "Check for Update" functionality (in the Help menu)
- "Hand Tool"-like behavior in the "Save Optimized JPEG" dialog
- Some filters have better default settings for large images
- Minor bugfixes
2.1.0 - released on 2014-09-12
- Brush engine improvements, the new "Heart" brush is an example of angle-aware brush
- New tool: Zoom
- More zoom levels
- Smaller tool buttons
- Minor bugfixes
2.0.0 - released on 2014-06-07
- New tool: Crop
- 18 filters are much faster (they use all the CPU cores)
- More filters have a "show original" parameter
- There are some new filters like "Little Planet", "Swirl", "Perspective", "Tritone", "Color Halftone", "Dither"
- Bugfixes
Upgrade guide from 1.1.2 to 2.0.0:
I changed the main version number mainly because this requires a new Java version (2.0.0 requires at least Java 7 while
1.1.2 requires Java 6) and because the
PXC format has changed.
You should upgrade unless
- For some reason you can have only Java 6 on your computer
- You need to open old PXC files